Upload Your CDRs for a Free Calls Report
Your Free Report will Cover
If you need additional measurements, please let us know. As with all your colleagues in the industry, your customer confidentiality is of paramount importance to us. If you require us to sign an NDA, please let us know in the Notes/Comments box below.
Upload Instructions
Please enter your information in the form below and upload your Call Data Record (CDR) files. The following file formats are accepted:
- *.csv
- *.csv.gz
- *.zip
You are limited to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB so we suggest using compression. Once we receive your reports, we will process them and send you a PDF report to the email specified. This could take 3 days or longer, depending on how much interest there is in this offering.
If you are using OCSM (aka OCOM, EOM and formerly Palladion), may we recommend exporting calls from the Calls page? To do so, please ensure your CSV export limit is set to 50,000 or, in more recent versions, 100,000. Then use the “CSV Export” button on the Calls page. Click here for more detailed instructions.
If you would like a STIR/SHAKEN report using OCSM’s data, please contact us directly via the Notes/Comments field below, as this requires additional configuration.
For other platforms, please provide a standard CSV text file, with at least the following fields:
- calling number
- called number
- date/time of call, in RFC 3339, ISO 8601 or Unix Epoch timestamp format
- call duration, in milliseconds if possible; seconds otherwise
- SIP response code
- minimum MOS, if possible
- average MOS
- full value of the SIP “Identity” header, if you would like a STIR/SHAKEN report
Please note what formats you use in the Notes/Comments field as well as the timezone of the data.
If you are interested in big data analytics, correlating data from different parts of your network elements infrastructure such as IADs and spotting anomalies to drill down on root cause analysis, please let us know in the form below. We can help you; see our KPI Reporting as a Service page for more details.