Inbound calls
Are Robocalls causing you unnecessary costs, a drain on your resources and distraction from company productivity?
How many calls coming into your organization have already been certified?
Would it be useful to get a baseline for each attestation level A, B or C & which carriers are supporting attestation?
Are Robocalls so much of a pest to your enterprise, that it would be productivity to block them at your SBC?
Teraquant can help you block those Inbound calls based on a policy and our Call reputation service.
Outbound Calls
At anytime from July 1st onwards, telcos are permitted to drop your calls if they’re not SHAKEN certified. Remember each call should be certified.
Would you like to know if your carrier is correctly certifying your outbound calls and providing attestation A for your outbound calls?
App output display on OCOM
Based on each/selected trunk at either the originating/terminating service provider the following information is presented in Teraquant OCOM app output display:
- Count of A,B, C attestation level.
- Count of calls with no token .
- Details present within the token for attested calls along with trace of entire call
The Teraquant Solution
- TQ_STIR/SHAKEN Analysis add-on App to OCOM
- TQ_STIR/SHAKEN Analytics – Reporting and Trending
- SBC STIR/SHAKEN Integration
- Reseller for TransNexus ClearIP STIR/SHAKEN Certification and Verification Services
Robocall Mitigation
Teraquant’s Consulting Services
High Availability (HA) set up & maintenance
Both SIP End-to-End and TDM legacy environments
How you can quickly offer your customers certification of their outbound calls and Anti-Robocall protection against inbound.
Without substantial elemental modification of your infrastructure.
Documented, Tested & Verified features & performance of all deliverables
We take ownership of project success
Proactive vendor management
24 x 7 hours support hot line