Robocall law addresses new legal Anti-Robocall mandates plus pending Anti-Fraud mandates

Robocall Mitigation is now legally required of all Communication Service Providers. On December 30, 2019 the President signed the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act into law. This starts the clock on an eighteen month deadline for VoIP networks to begin implementation of STIR/SHAKEN and for non-VoIP networks to have “taken reasonable measures to implement an effective call authentication framework”. Also in April 2020 new FCC Anti-Fraud regulations will be presented.

Teraquant’s hosted solution for robocall mitigation and fraud prevention utilizes machine-learning. These hosted solutions delivers a secure, comprehensive and reliable framework, easily and non-intrusively implemented at a fraction of the cost you would see from your infrastructure vendor. Our fraud prevention has been used by service providers for years. If most of your voice telephony services are legacy TDM, please call us to learn how easily you can meet your FCC commitments and at the same time add value to your customers for much less than you might think.

Telephone Company to the Rescue

Imagine if you could easily and at very low cost, certify your end-user clients’ calls. Ensure calls into call centers or from healthcare, education and financial services that your end-customer genuinely wants to hear from are citified. Their call pick-up rate will improve drastically if the calls are certified. After years of abuse by Robocallers, you can finally giving us all back the use of our voice telecommunications services. Returning our ability to communicate with all human beings who desire to hear from us.

What’s New for Telco Carrier Robocall Mitigation and VoIP Fraud Prevention

Below are a few examples of the new ways we can help a Telco Carrier select the right Robocall Mitigation and VoIP Fraud Prevention for the UC services you offer your enterprise and residential end-users. Teraquant can help you select which mechanism is right for you & help you implement it to meet your end-customers’ changing Unified Communication (voice, video and data) business needs.  Below tabs help you learn who is impacted what is needed for anti-robocall and anti-fraud compliance.

  • How much of STIR/SHAKEN applies to you and by when?
  • Why do you and your end-customers benifit if you address Robocalls now vs waiting?
  • How much stealth fraud and revenue leakage is happening?
  • What is happening related to VoIP Fraud in April 2020?
  • What has happened to lower the cost of Robocall Mitigation?

December 30, 2019 the President signed the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act into law

This act impacts all regulated and unregulated phone service providers. The act is a relatively snappy 17 pages, but to save you time I’ll share the most interesting points for independent telcos right here.

  • Anti-Robocall all phone service providers have an 18 month deadline (that would be June 30, 2021) to implement STIR/SHAKEN for VoIP calls.
  • All legacy TDM calls, service providers must “take reasonable measures to implement an effective call authentication framework” by the same deadline.
  • Anti-Fraud not later than 120 days after the date of enactment, (April 30th, 2020) the FCC must initiate a proceeding to “protect called parties from one-ring scams.” ie known as Wangiri in Fraud detection lingo.
  • Call blocking will be permitted guided by the authentication frameworks and the FCC must instigate “a safe harbor” for voice service providers “from liability for unintended or inadvertent blocking.
  • You need an Action Plan

    Regardless of if you are a CLEC, ILEC, Cable Company, ITSP Hosted PBX/cloud-voice company or a Wireless Service Provider, this applies to you.

  • Maybe you were adopting a “wait-and-see” approach and STIR/SHAKEN is a bit of a chore. That’s understandable. However, there is value to your customers in addressing this Robo-call plague. This means there is incremental revenue for you. And the good news is it is now relatively easy to implement with a much lower cost. No doubt you are talking to your current infrastructure vendors and thinking , Hmm, certainly a revenue opportunity for them. Please reach out to Teraquant so we can quickly show you a much lower-cost, seamless, highly effective and reliable options that are now available to you.
  • In December 2019, our partner, TransNexus was approved by the Secure Telephony Identity (STI) – Policy Administrator as an STI – Certificate Authority (CA).  If you have already chosen your SHAKEN solution, you may purchase SHAKEN certificates from TransNexus starting at a price of $3.99 for twenty-four certificates.
  • What distinct value does Teraquant bring? We integrate proven solutions and services with your existing infrastructure and provide third-party service assurance to monitor performance levels and give you visibility to your new service. For example, we can guide you through any SBC changes or integrations with your SS7 infrastructure.

Click image to view SIP STIR/SHAKEN



Which Telco’s must implement STIR/SHAKEN authentication mechanisms?

All telcos with an OCN or any unregulated cloud-based VoIP company offering voice services, who have purchased their own Telephone numbers TN’s/DID’s from Telcordia instead of purchasing them or leasing them from a Tier 1 telco must comply with the requirements of the TRACED Act.

What’s an OCN code?

OCN codes are part of industry standard ATIS-0300251 (Codes for Identification of Service Providers for Information Exchange). These codes uniquely identify each telephone service provider operating in the North American Numbering Plan.

STIR/SHAKEN Key Features

  • Simple seemless certification i.e. insertion of toKENs via SBC of outgoing calls
  • Simple seemless verification i.e. checking authentication of incoming toKENs via SBC
  • Blocking on net calls from external DIDs [By OCN & number prefix]
  • Build database invalid and High-risk calling numbers
  • calling number Reputation assessment
  • Real time traffic analysis.

STIR/SHAKEN Key Features

  • Simple seemless certification i.e. insertion of toKENs via SBC of outgoing calls
  • Simple seemless verification i.e. checking authentication of incoming toKENs via SBC
  • Blocking on net calls from external DIDs [By OCN & number prefix]
  • Build database invalid and High-risk calling numbers
  • calling number Reputation assessment
  • Real time traffic analysis.

Click Image to view OCN info

OCN Codes

OCN Codes

STIR/SHAKEN only addresses SIP VoIP. However, there is also a need to certify or verify legacy TDM SS7 calls for your customers.

Teraquant is helping the industry with the Out-of-Band STIR initiative which is an elegant solution to this problem. We implement this using standards-based SS7 ANSI protocol exchanges using beautifully non-intrusive techniques, perfectly integrated with your old TDM equipment.

  • eg on inbound verification,  we can modify Calling Name (CNAM) to alert your subscribers with a message such as ‘Spoofed’ or “verified caller”, or whatever message you prefer.
  • Within Out-of-Band STIR , we ensure the PASSportT is created, authenticated & made available to the receiving end in time for the incoming call to be verified.
  • TCAP accesses SCP for GTT
  • Modified SCP Converts cpn/cgpa to SIP – TO/FROM
  • Sends SIP INVITE to STIR/SHAKEN service
  • STIR/SHAKEN service places PASSporT on CPS

Click image to view out of band STIR for TDM

Traditional SD-WAN

Anti-Robocall STIR

With the rise in popularity of Cloud communications, end-user accounts are often compromised and combined with Hacking of PBX’s causes the IRSF (International Revenue Share Fraud) which amounts to $10.76 billion fraud losses annually to service providers alone (according to annual CFCA Survey –

The Traced Act SECTION 12. –  includes a section on Wangiri – the one-ring scam technique that encourages or solicits a called party to ring back the number. This number is often directed to a high premium rate service that will incur the caller large costs and will encourage you to stay on the phone as long as possible. Service providers must implement measures to mitigate and block such calls . The FCC will specify in specific rules by April 2020.

Teraquant TQprotect hosted system has been protecting Comminications Service Providers from Wangiri attacks for many years. Contact us to learn more.

  • Using CDRs (Call Detail Records) for telecom fraud management typically takes 20 minutes to produce a CDR after the calls are completed on the billing cycle by which time tens of thousands of dollars losses have already accrued.
  • Many telecom fraud management systems lack precision controls, stopping calls that shouldn’t be blocked.
  • Some systems don’t block fraud attacks in real time but just alert you after the fact, to dispatch staff to manually shut down the attack. As many of these attacks take place during the weekend or the night this is a slow process. You have already racked up > $10,000’s of losses by the time remediation action is taken.

Click image to view VoIP Fraud Prevention diagram


Professional Services
Professional Services
Professional Services
Consulting and design of STIR/SHAKEN/Anti-Robocall and fraud prevention service in your network infrastructure for each of your customers.
Managed Services
Managed Services
Managed Services
 Installation service turn up and testing/verification of STIR/SHAKEN/Anti-Robocall and fraud prevention service in your network infrastructure
 High Availability (HA) set up & maintenance
 Both SIP End-to-End and TDM legacy environments
Implementation Services
Implementation Services
Implementation Services
 Installation service turn up and testing/verification of STIR/SHAKEN/Anti-Robocall and fraud prevention service in your network infrastructure
 High Availability (HA) set up & maintenance
 Both SIP End-to-End and TDM legacy environments
Training Services
Training Services
Training Services
 Custom hands-on training on the principles, theory guiding the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN, Anti-Robocall and fraud prevention in your infrastructure
 How you can quickly offer your customers certification of their outbound calls and Anti-Robocall protection against inbound.
Integration Services
Integration Services
Integration Services
Simple and minimally intrusive, seamless integration with existing infrastructure
Without substantial elemental modification of your infrastructure.
Documented, Tested & Verified features & performance of all deliverables
We take ownership of project success
Support Services
Support Services
Support Services
Real-Time monitoring, service assurance & reporting of certification and verification of calls
Proactive vendor management
24 x 7 hours support hot line

STIR/SHAKEN/Anti-Robocall and Fraud Prevention service Offerings

Robocall Mitigation

Encrypted SIP

VoIP Fraud Prevention

Encrypted SIP

Robocall Mitigation & VoIP Fraud Prevention for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) and Enterprise End-User Key Features

December 30, 2019 the President signed the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act into law (anti-robocall & anti-fraud)

This act impacts all regulated and unregulated phone service providers. The act is a relatively snappy 17 pages, but to save you time I’ll share the most interesting points for independent telcos right here.

  • All phone service providers have an 18 month deadline (that would be June 30, 2021) to implement STIR/SHAKEN for VoIP calls.
  • All legacy TDM calls, service providers must “take reasonable measures to implement an effective call authentication framework” by the same deadline.
  • Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment, (April 30th, 2020) the FCC must initiate a proceeding to “protect called parties from one-ring scams.” ie known as Wangiri in Fraud detection lingo.
  • Call blocking will be permitted guided by the authentication frameworks and the FCC must instigate “a safe harbor” for voice service providers “from liability for unintended or inadvertent blocking.
  • You need an Action Plan

    Regardless of if you are a CLEC, ILEC, Cable Company, ITSP Hosted PBX/cloud-voice company or a Wireless Service Provider, this applies to you.

  • Maybe you were adopting a “wait-and-see” approach and STIR/SHAKEN is a bit of a chore. That’s understandable. However, there is value to your customers in addressing this Robo-call plague. This means there is incremental revenue for you. And the good news is it is now relatively easy to implement with a much lower cost. No doubt you are talking to your current infrastructure vendors and thinking , Hmm, certainly a revenue opportunity for them. Please reach out to Teraquant so we can quickly show you a much lower-cost, seamless, highly effective and reliable options that are now available to you.
  • In December 2019, our partner, TransNexus was approved by the Secure Telephony Identity (STI) – Policy Administrator as an STI – Certificate Authority (CA).  If you have already chosen your SHAKEN solution, you may purchase SHAKEN certificates from TransNexus starting at a price of $3.99 for twenty-four certificates.
  • What distinct value does Teraquant bring? We integrate proven solutions and services with your existing infrastructure and provide third-party service assurance to monitor performance levels and give you visibility to your new service. For example, we can guide you through any SBC changes or integrations with your SS7 infrastructure.

Which Telco’s must implement STIR/SHAKEN authentication mechanisms?

All telcos with an OCN or any unregulated cloud-based VoIP company offering voice services, who have purchased their own Telephone numbers TN’s/DID’s from Telcordia instead of purchasing them or leasing them from a Tier 1 telco must comply with the requirements of the TRACED Act.

What’s an OCN code?

OCN codes are part of industry standard ATIS-0300251 (Codes for Identification of Service Providers for Information Exchange). These codes uniquely identify each telephone service provider operating in the North American Numbering Plan.

STIR/SHAKEN Key Features

  • Simple seemless certification i.e. insertion of toKENs via SBC of outgoing calls
  • Simple seemless verification i.e. checking authentication of incoming toKENs via SBC
  • Blocking on net calls from external DIDs [By OCN & number prefix]
  • Build database invalid and High-risk calling numbers
  • calling number Reputation assessment
  • Real time traffic analysis.

STIR/SHAKEN only addresses SIP VoIP. However, there is also a need to certify or verify legacy TDM SS7 calls for your customers.

Teraquant is helping the industry with the Out-of-Band STIR initiative which is an elegant solution to this problem. We implement this using standards-based SS7 ANSI protocol exchanges using beautifully non-intrusive techniques, perfectly integrated with your old TDM equipment.

  • eg on inbound verification,  we can modify Calling Name (CNAM) to alert your subscribers with a message such as ‘Spoofed’ or “verified caller”, or whatever message you prefer.
  • Within Out-of-Band STIR , we ensure the PASSportT is created, authenticated & made available to the receiving end in time for the incoming call to be verified.
  • TCAP accesses SCP for GTT
  • Modified SCP Converts cpn/cgpa to SIP – TO/FROM
  • Sends SIP INVITE to STIR/SHAKEN service
  • STIR/SHAKEN service places PASSporT on CPS

With the rise in popularity of Cloud communications, end-user accounts are often compromised and combined with Hacking of PBX’s causes the IRSF (International Revenue Share Fraud) which amounts to $10.76 billion fraud losses annually to service providers alone (according to annual CFCA Survey –

The Traced Act SECTION 12. –  includes a section on Wangiri – the one-ring scam technique that encourages or solicits a called party to ring back the number. This number is often directed to a high premium rate service that will incur the caller large costs and will encourage you to stay on the phone as long as possible. Service providers must implement measures to mitigate and block such calls . The FCC will specify in specific rules by April 2020.

Teraquant TQprotect hosted system has been protecting Comminications Service Providers from Wangiri attacks for many years. Contact us to learn more.

As the world moves to virtualization, silicon chips exist now to process packets at line rate. So you can use flexible software to optimize efficiency, minimize hardware costs and still route-switch at line right up to 100Gbps per interface.

This can be setup simply without being a network guru.

Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence

Two decades of passionately working side-by-side with telecom leaders & business enterprises.
See how Teraquant can improve your business communications today!